(3 month internship)

For Latin Americans who want to experience community through service, adventure, classes, & discipleship


(3 month internship)

This Spanish-speaking internship is designed for youth from all over Latin America between the ages of 18-25 who are responding to God’s call to take the next step in their lives. Through nature, adventure, life in community, work, service, and experiential education, interns will have the opportunity to transform their character to be more like Christ’s.
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We offer Alturas twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. As with all of our internship programs, participants will experience our adventure ministry first hand, be trained to facilitate retreat groups, participate in off-site excursions, and grow through experiential education. We value holistic development: spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, and relational. Because of this we focus on all of these areas during the 3 months. Through classes, mentoring, and workshops our Alturas interns have the opportunity to develop a more Christ-like character.

Gathering Spaces

Our Alturas interns live on property and have access to all of the spaces that El Refugio offers. Interns benefit from the exclusive use of the Discipleship House’s common room, offering a comfortable space to read, relax, and play games with other interns.


Interns will have a good balance of having meals prepared for them by our kitchen staff, and preparing some meals for themselves in their communal kitchen. They will typically prepare and/or share meals with any other interns that may be serving with us on a similar timeline.


Our hope is that during 3 months serving alongside us, Alturas interns will connect with God in different ways, encounter a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ, and learn what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Through this transformational experience, we equip interns to continue their walk with Jesus, empower them to live the abundant life in Christ, and help them to pursue God’s calling.

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